The week started on Tuesday with a flag football tournament. ZTA went up against Delta Zeta and had a victorious win of 18-13. As ZTA advanced to the championship round, they competed against AXO. The whole crowd was cheering at the very close and intense game. Our ZTA football players kept going strong all the way to the whistle. The game was tied which meant it would result in overtime. The girls played their heart out and won second in that event with Amanda Powers and Sam Harris earning MVP.
The softball tournament was Thursday afternoon and definitely a crowd favorite. The first game was against Delta Zeta. The game was close and the crowd was loud but the girls pulled an excellent win out. ZTA continued on to the next round competing with Chi-O. The girls started out slow but their sisters cheered and pumped them up resulting in an amazing comeback. ZTA kept making runs and Chi-O’s kept getting outs. The fans were jumping up and down the whole time cheering for their athletic sisters. The game was very close but the time ran out too soon to catch up. It was hard to be too upset about losing that game because it was such an entertaining one to watch. It made everyone proud to be a ZTA.
On Friday girls spent the day outside participating in field day events. ZTA rolled up their sleeves and showed their muscles in tug-a-war receiving second place. In the balloon toss ZTA tied, and had to go into a fierce game of Rock-Paper-Scissors earning us second place. Other events included a sack race and passing an orange with your neck race.
Saturday ZTA participated in the Big Event where they helped their community. Girls helped rake leaves in the Azalea garden to use for compost and mulch for the SFA vegetable garden. Other groups painted a church building and one group got a workout cutting down trees and planting plants for a home.
"to prepare for service and learn the nobility of serving"
“to be humble in success without bitterness in defeat"
“to be humble in success without bitterness in defeat"